Happy Labour Day !
The latest trend is to use Labour Day as a new start. It seems to have become our new New Year’s Day where we set goals for the year – our Labour Day resolutions. It is also the time when we get back into a routine – our children are back in school, holidays are over and the busyness begins once again! Oh and did I mention summer is officially over.
Well…not quite. Summer does not end until September 22nd so we have a few more weeks to enjoy and a few more weeks to keep us in a healthy routine!
I must admit I am one of those individuals who feel like I need to reset for the fall/winter season, to buckle down and begin a new routine. I find the Labour Day weekend a difficult transition weekend as it marks the end of my outdoor swims and Yoga classes. Goodbye summer friends and thank you for the wonderful chats before Yoga class and the refreshing lane swims.
It is back into the gym where you feel isolated and claustrophobic. Layered upon the isolation is the lack of daylight; making us want to hibernate. Activity becomes a bit more difficult and motivation slides but do we really have to lose our healthy summer routine? I don’t think so. In fact, I challenge you to keep your summer routine and to modify it for the fall and winter months. You probably won’t be swimming outdoors and if you do find a swimming pool that remains open during the fall/winter months please let me know!
Transform your healthy and active summer routine into your healthy and active fall/winter routine. In the fall you can still cycle, run, play baseball or any other one of your favourite activities. You may just need to add another layer to stay comfortable. As you move into the winter you can meet your winter friends while skating, skiing or taking winter hikes. I encourage you to embrace your seasons and enjoy.
Wishing you a healthy and active routine!
Its completely psychological and happens every year. There is nothing that really needs to change in my routine (no kids to send to school) yet there is suddenly a totally different feeling in the air. Its my favorite weather; a bit cool; yet I really need a extra boost to continue with outdoor activity. The shorter daylight hours definitely have a huge psychological effect.
(great photo of yoga in the park !)