Happy New Year!
Welcome to 2014 – I wish you a prosperous and fulfilling year!
The ringing in of the New Year brings about New Year resolutions. Ah! The dreaded resolution that many of us keep for one week and then ditch to the curb. By the end of January resolutions are pretty much done – meaning it was a good idea at the time…
In order to make 2014 a successful year for you it is important to ensure your resolutions are obtainable. In fact, I recommend you make only one resolution for the year and then list out the goals associated with the resolution. Remember – you want success not failure.
Here are some tips to get you on your way to a successful year.
- Break down your resolution into smaller more achievable goals
- Commit your goals to paper
- Celebrate your achieved goals as you move along your continuum
- Be accountable to someone who will support you and help you stay on track
- Don’t deprive yourself
- Allow for ebb and flow
By following these tips you will stay motivated and with motivation comes success! Remaining positive and not depriving yourself will make it easier to keep on track. Sure there will be times when you hit a road block. Allow yourself to acknowledge the road block and then move on. An ‘oops’ does not mean game over! If you feel like you are straying then consider keeping a journal.
Focus. Stay motivated. Achieve.
In Health,